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COVID-19 Information

staff handing out supplies to residents

POAH Resource Website, allows you to search for  reduced cost & free services being offered in the community, by zip code.   

Find resident resources by state here on the POAH Communities website.

POAH Communities continues to address issues and concerns as a result of the evolving global pandemic. Since March 2020, keeping everyone safe and informed at all of our properties and corporate offices has remained our top priority:

  • Our COVID-19 Task Force, made up of company leaders and experts in various areas of property management, meets bi-weekly to research and monitor the COVID-19 outbreak across the county and makes mindful decisions that will support our employees and residents
  • The national discussion on reopening America’s schools prompted us to take a proactive survey of employees who may encounter challenges with childcare issues.  We equipped our managers to have helpful conversations and co-create solutions with their direct reports.
  • We continue to leverage our partnerships with US Housing Consultants, National Center for Housing Management, Housing Partnership Insurance Exchange and other organizations to provide trainings for our employees.  These resources will help provide guidance in property management operations and resident relations during a global pandemic.
  • Our desire to continue delivering superior service to our residents inspired us to roll out the first phase of a Maintenance and Operation Protocol – keeping safety of our residents and employees at the forefront of our decision.  This new protocol helps us address maintenance related services in our residents’ apartments on a somewhat enhanced basis.  We also enforced general procedures that staff and vendors are following when providing these services.

Our tactics to slow the spread of the virus is a joint effort.  We, employees and residents, are all in this together and continue to do our part.  Staying updated on the latest pandemic news, practicing social distancing and implementing enhanced cleaning regiments will keep us safe and focused on the important property management work we do.