LOOKING FOR AN APARTMENT? go to www.poahcommunities.com or email: customerservice@poahcommunities.com.
HAVE A CONCERN OR COMMENT ABOUT A PROPERTY? contact: customerservice@poahcommunities.com
PRESS INQUIRIES ONLY: Email news@poah.org. Please include your name, name of media outlet and deadline. DO NOT SEND COMMENTS OR INQUIRIES CONCERNING AN APARTMENT OR OTHER APARTMENT-RELATED ISSUES TO THIS EMAIL. Instead contact: customerservice@poahcommunities.com
General inquiries: info@poah.org
2 Oliver Street
Suite 500
Boston, MA 02109
617-261-9898 TEL
617-261-6661 FAX
One North LaSalle Street
Suite 1300
Chicago, IL 60602
312-283-0031 TEL
312-658-0666 FAX
Washington, D.C.
777 N. Capitol Street NE
Suite 404,
Washington, DC 20002
240-437-3340 TEL
202-785-4850 FAX
2 Oliver Street, Suite 500
Boston, MA 02109
617-830-5499 TEL
617-261-6661 FAX
Kansas City
920 Main Street, Suite 115
Kansas City, MO 64105
816-531-1920 TEL
816-531-1930 FAX
21 West 13th Street, Suite 100
Cincinnati, OH 45202
513-421-6999 TEL