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Woodlawn – A Neighborhood Renewed

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Woodlawn has undergone profound improvements buoyed by public and private partnerships to become a vibrant neighborhood of choice and a national model for revitalizing urban communities.    

POAH replaced Grove Parc’s distressed and obsolete buildings by creating new and renovated housing on South Cottage Grove Avenue (The Jackson, The Grant and The Burnham  buildings) and the surrounding neighborhood that are transforming Woodlawn and other underserved urban neighborhoods in healthier, stronger mixed-use, mixed-income communities.

From these efforts spurred community support for the additional affordable housing, parks, retail, recreation and education opportunities that have made our community a destination for more people. Today the community is welcoming the future home of the Obama Presidential Center in the 543-acre Jackson Park.  Its proximity to Woodlawn reflects the Obamas’ mission to build their library in a community that will benefit from such an investment.